about poseycorp
poseycorp is a California corporation founded by Lisa Poulson. Reach poseycorp at inquiries@poseycorp.com
Your business must scale, and you must scale with it.
You need exceptional communication skills to grow a thriving business and to create the change you want to see in the world. With coaching you can become a great communicator!
what to say
You have a powerful, compelling story to tell, but you keep getting interrupted in meetings! Learn how to navigate questions from any audience and get back on track to tell your story. Great ideas need effective communicators to deliver them.
how to say it
Great delivery makes your message transcendent. Poor delivery derails everything. Learn the techniques to connect with your audiences virtually and in person. Don’t squander rare and valuable visibility opportunities – crush them. Create the change you want to see in the world!
why to say it
Every successful innovator is also a successful evangelist. When you can tell a powerful story to each vital audience, you and your business grow and thrive. Be a leader/communicator.