Start your engines, team! Fall conference season is around the corner. What are you responsible for? Creating messages? Delivering them? Generating interest in your company? Converting prospects into customers? Keeping customers happy once they are on board? Are you ready to tell the right stories to the right people in the right ways?
It is a massive lift to shape your product market fit story, to study your audiences and their needs, to set the strategy for where and how you’ll tell your story.
But even when all of that content and strategy work is done, you’re not finished. You and everyone on your team who will be delivering your shiny new story must set aside time to work on delivery. Rehearsing your content, preparing for Q&A, finding the best soundbites that you can deliver naturally – all of this takes time.
When you get your story locked at least 72 hours before your big event, you give everyone the chance to master the message. It takes discipline to do it, but it’s essential! Good luck everyone!
Not sure how to crush your next presentation? Navigate tough questions? Need some pragmatic, actionable communications advice? Consider Office Hours with Lisa, a great way to get bite-sized, personalized coaching. And there are tons of resources in poseycorp’s newsletter – subscribe here. Get some skills! Because it’s the great communicators who create the change they want to see in the world!
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