Want to be a better communicator — whether on podcasts, industry panels, or in media interviews? You will need to build skills! But please focus on building one skill at a time. If you’ve never done a TV interview before, you may think you need to be able to deliver compelling stories and soundbites while listening to questions, pivoting away from third rail topics, and maintaining the right body language and facial expression. That’s overwhelming!
Start with ONE thing. What’s your goal? What do you want viewers/listeners to know? If that’s all you can get done before your first interview, that’s a start.
Next time, you can add in stories and soundbites that support your message.
You can then learn to gracefully pivot.
Finally, when you’ve mastered your message, stories, soundbites and pivoting, you can refine your body language and facial expression if necessary.
Not sure how to crush your next presentation? Navigate tough questions? Need some pragmatic, actionable communications advice? There are tons of resources in poseycorp’s newsletter – subscribe here. Get some skills! Because it’s the great communicators who create the change they want to see in the world!