Turns out that stories are drugs. Telling powerful stories is one of the six things every great communicator does. Why? Because our brains recognize that timeless pattern and wants to know what happens next. In her latest book, Rising Strong, … [Read more...] about Your brain on stories!
Inside matters more than outside!
It’s very exciting to work on a big keynote, to have a chance to stand on a stage and tell the world your brilliant idea. Great communicators, though, invest as much energy on internal audiences as external audiences. Why? Because who makes your … [Read more...] about Inside matters more than outside!
Alchemic ideas
There are six things every great communicator does – whether you’re giving a huge keynote or trying to run an effective senior staff meeting. The first: You have a truly provocative, useful idea. What does provocative mean in this context? It … [Read more...] about Alchemic ideas
Six things every great communicator does
You don’t have to be Steve Jobs to be a great communicator - every innovator can capture the power of communicating well. And you must! If you want to shape your idea’s destiny, find your eloquence and speak out! There are six basic components to … [Read more...] about Six things every great communicator does
Be yourself. Really.
I have met so many really accomplished and talented people who think that they can only be great presenters if they somehow morph into Steve Jobs. Look, Steve Jobs was a legendary presenter. One of a kind. And that’s the point. There was only one of … [Read more...] about Be yourself. Really.
Yes you can become a communicator
Every once in a while, you see a brilliant engineer or scientist who is also a natural born communicator. This is rare. More often, if you are exceptional at seeing and solving the world’s biggest problems you prefer to live inside your head. … [Read more...] about Yes you can become a communicator
Why communicating matters
Welcome to poseyblog! poseycorp is dedicated to helping innovators and pioneers become great communicators. This blog offers ideas and resources to do just that. I’m Lisa Poulson. After 30 years in communications (mostly in PR, mostly in … [Read more...] about Why communicating matters