Why is it worth actually practicing your communications skills? Why is it worth investing energy to learn techniques, to sharpen your messages, to spend time on the stage before the speech? If you aren’t prepared you can appear preoccupied and … [Read more...] about Practice = confidence = fluency
Six Truths for media spokespeople
In 30 years, I’ve trained hundreds of people to talk to the press. These are some of the most basic lessons every media spokesperson has to learn. But they’re equally useful in any communication. Behold the simple truths: Credibility is hard won … [Read more...] about Six Truths for media spokespeople
I’ll take the engineer!
I first posted this back in 2016 when poseyblog was brand new. I have to post it again, because I keep meeting such amazing technologists and innovators who constantly inspire me! Consider this my manifesto: The CTO is always my favorite member … [Read more...] about I’ll take the engineer!
Communicate to create
I love Anand Sanwal’s CB Insights newsletter for a thousand reasons, not the least of which is that it makes me snort with laughter more than anything else these days. In a recent newsletter he reflected on challenges as his team, which was 25 in … [Read more...] about Communicate to create
Do your homework
It’s September. It’s time to get that new lunchbox and think about what your new teacher will be like. It’s time to knuckle down and get ready to work on new skills. Just in time for conference season! There are so many tech industry conferences … [Read more...] about Do your homework
[note - most of this piece is a repeat from a 2017 post, but that’s on purpose] Gearing up to deliver a major new innovation to the world this fall? That’s awesome! Before you fling your great new idea out into the world, read … [Read more...] about Featherbedding!
Paving new neural pathways
Brains, and humans, like patterns. Our brains are wired to lay down neural pathways and then to encourage us, via clever deployment of hormones like cortisol and dopamine, to stick to those pathways. Your brain knows that if you do what has kept you … [Read more...] about Paving new neural pathways
Pick yourself up after the crash
Ryan Holiday’s The Obstacle Is The Way, one of my favorite books, is the perfect read for anyone going through a crisis. When something horrible happens, our nervous systems can really impede our ability to make good decisions. You must make … [Read more...] about Pick yourself up after the crash
Say you’re sorry!
Oh F***. You and your company are having a WFIO moment. There’s a horrible crisis and your constituents want answers – your investors, your customers, your team, the press. What do you do? Well, first, you need facts. What actually happened? … [Read more...] about Say you’re sorry!
Seven tips for surviving litigation with your reputation intact
Maybe it’s because I’m reading Brotopia, Emily Chang’s book about sexism in the technology industry, maybe it’s because I recently did an Ask Me Anything about crisis communications with the fabulous Paul Wilke of Upright Position Communications. For … [Read more...] about Seven tips for surviving litigation with your reputation intact