Every one human brain has an amygdala, a part of our brain not much bigger than an almond. Your amygdala’s job is to keep you safe. It wants you to follow well-established patterns of behavior. When you break a pattern, your amygdala freaks out and … [Read more...] about Manage your brain!
Master what matters
It’s the end of 2018! While you’re setting goals and thinking of the great press you’ll get in 2019, consider this. You can control one thing in a media interview - what comes out of your mouth. Artfully delivering artful messages is your sole … [Read more...] about Master what matters
Do you know your Why? As in, why does what you’re doing professionally matter to you? Simon Sinek’s work is one great way to find your Why. Identifying your Why is a huge relief. It’s the foundation on which to build your strategy, your … [Read more...] about Why?
Simple rules for spokespersons
During 30 years in PR I trained hundreds of spokespersons to talk to the press. Behold, my favorite spokesperson homilies: Credibility is hard won – and virtually impossible to regain once lost. In other words, don’t make crazy stuff up. Making … [Read more...] about Simple rules for spokespersons
Practice = confidence = fluency
Why is it worth actually practicing your communications skills? Why is it worth investing energy to learn techniques, to sharpen your messages, to spend time on the stage before the speech? If you aren’t prepared you can appear preoccupied and … [Read more...] about Practice = confidence = fluency
Six Truths for media spokespeople
In 30 years, I’ve trained hundreds of people to talk to the press. These are some of the most basic lessons every media spokesperson has to learn. But they’re equally useful in any communication. Behold the simple truths: Credibility is hard won … [Read more...] about Six Truths for media spokespeople
How you feel about yourself impacts how you communicate
My Dad always used to say, “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.” My Dad (and Henry Ford, who coined the phrase) were right. It drove me crazy when he said this, because I knew he was right. I’d go off in a huff to tackle whatever … [Read more...] about How you feel about yourself impacts how you communicate