One of my favorite mythological metaphors is Indra’s Net. The Hindu God Indra has a net hanging over his palace. At every knot in the net sits a multi-faceted jewel. (If a net with jewels hanging over a mythical Hindu palace doesn’t do it for you, … [Read more...] about Cast your net wide!
Words matter
It’s 2000, during the decadent late days of the boom, just weeks before the inevitable crash. It’s a Friday afternoon and no one’s doing much work in the office. I’m sitting there with our 33 year old CEO, who’s feeling pretty good … [Read more...] about Words matter
Sometimes the clearest response is silence
Yes, I am a communications coach. I help my clients become great communicators - as media spokespersons, as keynote speakers, as leaders. But sometimes I tell my clients to step back and say nothing. More often than not, the best way to position … [Read more...] about Sometimes the clearest response is silence
What words mean
Let’s talk about words. If I say “ruby” to someone at a jewelry store, I’m going to get something very different than if I say “Ruby” on GitHub. If you ask me when I’ll be done editing the annual report and I say “soon” I might mean by … [Read more...] about What words mean
Context is king
I just re-read Peter Mayle’s classic A Year in Provence, which was as delicious the second time around as it was the first time I read it, almost thirty years ago. What does this classic travel memoir have to do with being a great … [Read more...] about Context is king
Chief Storyteller
It’s amazing to see even more ways that leaders can use the power of story in Scott Belsky’s brilliant and accessible The Messy Middle. This book is full of reasons why leaders must tell stories to their teams. Here’s Scott on using story to … [Read more...] about Chief Storyteller
Pick yourself up after the crash
Ryan Holiday’s The Obstacle Is The Way, one of my favorite books, is the perfect read for anyone going through a crisis. When something horrible happens, our nervous systems can really impede our ability to make good decisions. You must make … [Read more...] about Pick yourself up after the crash
Say you’re sorry!
Oh F***. You and your company are having a WFIO moment. There’s a horrible crisis and your constituents want answers – your investors, your customers, your team, the press. What do you do? Well, first, you need facts. What actually happened? … [Read more...] about Say you’re sorry!
Seven tips for surviving litigation with your reputation intact
Maybe it’s because I’m reading Brotopia, Emily Chang’s book about sexism in the technology industry, maybe it’s because I recently did an Ask Me Anything about crisis communications with the fabulous Paul Wilke of Upright Position Communications. For … [Read more...] about Seven tips for surviving litigation with your reputation intact
What you believe impacts how you communicate
Here in San Francisco and Silicon Valley, there are two kinds of people: those who think HBO’s Silicon Valley is the most hilarious thing on television ever, and those who can’t stand it because it’s too painfully true to life. I’m in the most … [Read more...] about What you believe impacts how you communicate